It is shown that the microwave mixer noise is avery important factor which affects the interference cancellation ratio in microwave system. 通过研究表明,微波干扰抵消系统中混频器噪声对系统抵消比影响最大。
The matched load is one of many terminal devices in the microwave system. 匹配负载是微波系统中的一种终端器件。
Specifications of microwave system for BEPC II-Linac were enhanced by a wide margin in comparison with those of the microwave system for BEPC-Linac. 直线加速器微波系统要求的技术指标比旧系统有了大幅度的提高,为此老系统的许多部件需要重新研制和改造。
UWB Microwave System for Near-Field Target Detection and Imaging 超宽带微波近场目标探测成像实验系统
The function and principle of hitless switch in digital microwave system are introduced. 主要介绍了数字微波传输中无损伤切换的作用和基本原理。
Auto microwave system High frequency Switch power; 车用微波系统;高频;开关电源;
This design method can improve effectively the performance of sophisticated RF microwave system and development success rate, and reduce the development period and cost. 利用该设计方法可有效提高复杂射频微波系统的性能和研制成功率,减少研制周期和成本。
Space Diversity Technology Applied to SDH Microwave System and DADE Regulating and Testing Methods SDH微波系统中空间分集技术的应用和DADE调测方法
Probing into the Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation for Microwave System 微波系统半实物仿真技术研究
Optimization Design of the Radiation Device in a Microwave System for Asphalt Heating 微波加热沥青系统中辐射器结构的优化设计
The design of the microwave system of a X-band HSR-1128 VTS radar with frequency and polarization diversity techniques is presented in this paper. Thc polarization diversity circuit is analysed. The total VSWR, insert loss, MTBF and measured data are also given. 介绍了X波段HSR-1128港口监视雷达微波系统实现频率分集、极化分集的方案,对极化分集电路进行了分析,并给出了系统的驻波、损耗、MTBF值及有关实测数据。
During the operation, the temperature was monitored in realtime, and the microwave system was switched on and off automatically. 达到了手术中实时温度监测以及微波系统的自动开关,并且设计了实用的手术病案管理系统。
This paper presents a study of utilization of the back-up channel of 1+ 1 digital microwave system with a hot stand-by channel. 本文针对数字微波1+1热备用通信系统备用信道的利用问题进行了研究,介绍了系统方案与实验。
This paper surveys the fundamental design considerations for the microwave system of radar seekers for small tactical missiles. The trend of microwave system design in missiles is also discussed. 本文论述了设计小型战术导弹雷达导引头微波系统时需考虑的主要问题,并对弹上微波系统设计方向进行了讨论。
Analysis of Decision Feedback Equalizer for 16-QAM Digital Microwave System and Some Modifications 16-QAM数字微波系统判决反馈均衡器的改进和性能分析
This paper introduces a differential phase-shift waveguide four-port circulator for high-power microwave system, and analyses the principle of the circulator. The results of its experiment and discussion of its state under high-power are given also. 介绍了一种用于高功率微波系统中的差相移式波导四端环行器,分析了环行器的工作原理,给出了实验结果及高功率讨论。
An experimental simulator of multipath fading in digital microwave system 数字微波系统中多径衰落的实验室模拟
A Solution to the Spread Spectrum Digital Microwave System 一种扩频数字微波系统的实现
High power operation of the microwave system has been carried out. 其次简要介绍了微波系统高功率运行情况。
The microwave ferrite circulator is an important non-reciprocal component for radar and microwave system. 微波铁氧体环行器是雷达和微波系统中一个重要的非互易部件。
But the CPM receiver in digital microwave system is quite complex and hard or expensive to implement. 但是在数字微波中的CPM接收机的复杂程度比较高,不利于实现与成本的降低。
Power splitter and multiplier are the key components of microwave system. 功分器和倍频器是微波系统中的重要部件,本文对微波宽带功分器和毫米波倍频器与开关的设计进行了探索。
With the development of microwave technology, microwave systems are more and more complicated and the application frequencies are higher. A tiny change of structure or disturbance will lead great influence to microwave system, so higher performance of transmission line must be asked. 随着微波技术的发展,微波系统结构越来越复杂,应用频率也越来越高,微小的结构变化和扰动都会对系统性能产生很大影响,这对微波传输线的性能提出了更高的要求。
Construction and maintenance of traditional suspended systems, such as microwave system, infrared system and radar system are complicated. 传统的悬挂式系统&如微波、红外线、雷达等检测系统和压电回路永久埋入式系统,施工复杂、不便于维护。
Directional coupler is a widely applied microwave component in the microwave system. It can be applied in the signal generator to surveillance the power and in the receiver to be a mixer. 在微波系统中,定向耦合器是一种用途较广的微波元件,例如信号发生器中的功率监视装置和接收机中的混频器都要应用定向耦合器。
On the premise that system can afford Ethernet OAM mechanism, this thesis put forward and realize an Ethernet OAM plan in microwave system. 在得出原有系统可负载的前提下,提出了以太网OAM在微波通信系统中的具体实施方案,并对该方案的具体功能子层进行了设计与实现。
Microwave filters are an essential component in microwave system. 微波滤波器是微波系统中必不可少的组成部分。
As the prevalence of dielectric loss, material can be heated in microwave field and the high temperature will affect greatly the reliability and the efficiency of microwave system. 由于普遍存在介电损耗,材料在微波场中会受热升温,而高温对很多微波系统的工作可靠性和效率都有较大影响,例如微波烧结以及各类微波器件的发热等都属于这类问题。
Therefore, as a key component of the frequency microwave system, the quality of the filter is critical. 因此,滤波器作为射频微波系统中的关键部件,其性能的优劣至关重要。